Friday, May 13, 2011

Ice Cream Party

Often times, on Friday the 13th there is a superstitious sense of fear in the air . But for the students in classes 607, 608, and 609, there was nothing but smiles and joy to be had.

On Friday Mrs. Johnson, and I celebrated all of our start students with an Ice Cream celebration. Students selected an ice cream of their choice and decorated their ice cream with an array of delicious toppings!

The honor roll students, high achieving , and students with excellent conducts were invited to come have a bowl of ice cream in room 337 before their lunch period.

Their invitation? An empty bowl with their name on the bottom. With the assistance of Mrs. Clark, Ms. Bentley stood guard at the door to assure that only students with a bowl were allowed in.


ANA said...

awwwww look how cute i look with amanda

Cookiie said...