Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Think Before You Drink! Sugar Campaign.

Every year I.S 339 holds a global learning reception referred to as "Dot-to-Dot." Dot-to-Dot allows students and teachers at 339 to work on a project centered around one central theme. This year's D2D theme is "Change."

When deciding on what project we should create with this theme in mind, it was a no-brainer. Looking around the school it is easy to see that students are consuming high amounts of sugar. Most of this sugar consumption is in the form of soft-drinks such as soda, juices, and energy drinks.

The truth is, many students at 339 do not know nor understand the detrimental effects of high sugar consumption. It was our Pod goal to inform the school about the harmful effects of sugar so that students and faculty alike will begin to think before they drink!

In order to incite diet change in students we chose to make a public service announcement warning students about the dangers of sugar. We worked with Vivianne Njoku--a Tribeca Film Institute teaching artist. Vivianne came out to 339 and gave a workshop to 10 students about filmmaking and creating public service announcements. As a result of her instruction and clever film shots, the students created a great public service announcement.

Public service announcement encouraging people to think before they drink:

Think Before You Drink! from Ms B on Vimeo.

In Pod 6D there are many talented students who enjoy acting and being in front of a camera. I decided to put these awesome skills on display in a film about the harmful effects of sugar. The short film, The Highly Ferocious High Fructose, follows 4 sugar villains who look like ordinary people but have a secret agenda. Their sinister goal is to get the otherwise sugar-free students of 339 addicted to sugar. They plan to wreak havoc on the school by causing students to be distracted in class, hyperactive, and ultimately show physical symptoms of sugar consumption. The Highly Ferocious High Fructose personifies sugars that we consume on a daily basis--Maltose ("Mother Maltose"), Brown Sugar ("Brown Sugar Momma"), Powdered Sugar ("The Powerful Powdered Sugar Momma"), and High Fructose ("Ferocious Fructose"). The goal of this film is to show students that sugar may look sweet and innocent but it is actually harmful and can cause serious adverse effects to their well-being.

The Highly Ferocious High Fructose:

The Highly Ferocious High Fructose from Ms B on Vimeo.


CHEYANNE said...



They did a good job and it was funny also it true sugar is bad for you.